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Gas Manifold System

Buy from us robust gas manifold system that ensures safe working environment with a changeover system that can be opted for manual or fully/semi automatic operation. There is no need for pressure regulators or flash back arrestors as this system enables centralised gas distribution system.

Gas Regulator

A gas regulator is required for controlling and maintaining the pressure as well as gas or fluids directions in the piping system. It is used in high-end industries for safe and effective delivery of gas. Industries where this device is used are petrochemical, automotive, electronics, oil & gas, power and more.

LPG Vapouriser

The role of LPG vaporiser is to convert LPG liquid into gas. No pressure is built by this boiler or heat exchanger, a device that forms an essential component in LPG and propane system. This dry type vaporizer does not need any heat transfer liquid.

Solenoid Valve

Available in different models, solenoid valve made from aluminium is used in oil & gas industry. This electro-mechanical valve is applied for controlling the flow of gas or fluid in completely-open, completely-closed or positive mode. It is better than manual valve, comprising coil, plunger and sleeve assembly.

Steam Boiler

The use of steam boiler can be found in cement production, agriculture, HVAC system, power plant, etc. The pipes of the boiler are designed to endure high pressure and high temperature. This equipment must be inspected regularly                 to minimize any risk.

Water Geyser

A household appliance called water geyser is used to quickly heat water for household uses, like bathing, cleaning utensils and washing clothes. The energy efficient appliance has a compact size and can be easily mounted on wall.

Burner Sequence Controller

Buy from us compact burner sequence controller that can resist abrasion, rust and adverse conditions. Oil and gas burners can be inspected and managed using the burner controls.

Gas Burner

Gas burner produces controlled flame using gas. It finds use in many applications, such as cooking, soldering and welding. The models available are known for their safe operations, and combustion efficiency.

Coating Oven

Coating oven is used in industries for powder coating purpose with uniform finish and even surface. In powder coating, the role of an oven is to cure the coating on objects. Coating is done to prevent the objects from rust and corrosion.

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